Friday, 05 March 2010 11:00

Lisetta Rossi HARPIST

To realize images for such an exceptional harpist accompanied by the magic notes of her harp Herard Freres was for Foto D'Arte Firenze an unusual and artistically rewarding experience.

Who is Lisetta Rossi?

Lisetta Rossi, concert harpist, is from Florence, Italy. She is currently professor of harp at the "Giacomo Puccini" Conservatory in La Spezia. From 2003 to 2010 she held a position at the G. Verdi Conservatory in Milan, teaching advanced harp as well as history of music and analysis of harp repertory, instrumental pedagogy, and harp ensemble.

Since 1994 many young harpists have attended her summer courses, seminars and masterclasses held in Italy, France, England, Portugal and Bulgaria, thus being given the opportunity to take advantage of the artistic and professional experience she reflects in her teaching-experience not only as a soloist but also as part of chamber ensemble and orchestras.

She has been invited regularly to serve on the juries of competitions, and at the same time, many of her pupils have won awards in both national and international competitions.

Lisetta Rossi harpist

After receiving her diploma in harp with the highest grades and "cum laude" from the Venice conservatory, she went on to further her training with maestri from the German, French and American schools and also attended courses in chamber music with Riccardo Brengola at the Accademia di Santa Cecilia in Rome.

In addition to her musical education, she received a diploma in social sciences and has pursued disciplines complementary to artistic training such as Alexander, Feldenkreis, Taijiquan and the Stanislavskyij method. Ms Rossi has appeared as a soloist and chamber music musician in international festivals in Italy as well as around Europe, and has collaborated with such artists as Carme, Ensemble Ambrosiano, Antidogma, Ex-Novo Ensemble, Musica d'Oggi, Ensemble Garbarino and the Orchestra of the Pomeriggi Musicali. From 2003 to 2007, as principal harp of the RAI National Symphony Orchestra in Turin and with chamber groups stemming from the same orchestra, she has taken part in annual festivals of contemporary music, Nuova Musica of Turin, and the Biennale of Venice, performing numerous world premieres.

In the same role, Rossi has collaborated with other prestigious orchestras such as Maggio Musicale Fiorentino, the RAI orchestra of Milan, the RAI orchestra of Roma, the orchestra of the Saõ Carlos Theater of Lisbona, performing under the direction of Maestri Muti, Chailly, Gavazzeni, Bertini, Imbal, Barshay, De Burgos, Rath, Noseda, Kuhn and lastly, C. Tielemann under whose direction she performed Mozart's Concerto in C major K 299 for flute and harp.

Since 2007 Lisetta Rossi has collaborated with the association, Tesori Musicali Toscani, taking charge of the research and editing of previously unpblished works for the single action harp. For this kind of harp she has recorded the XII Sonate per Arpa by Giovanni Francesco Giuliani for the label, Brilliant Classics on an instrument built by Erard in 1818.

Herard Freres˜1818, Paris © Ivan Rossi photographer | Foto D'Arte Firenze

Her discography includes recordings for ERATO with the Solisti Veneti and for RICORDI and AMADEUS with the symphonic orchestra of the Turin and Milan Radio and Television (RAI).

Ivan Rossi photographer | Foto D'Arte Firenze

Published in Photographs for art


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