

Owner @ Foto D'Arte Firenze

Close to Terni in the middle of the old medieval Borgo of Amelia amongst the enchanting backdrop of Umbrian hills lies Palazzo Farrattini which will open its doors to the public with guided tours for the first time from 7th June to 6th September.

Don't miss this unique opportunity to visit the wonderful Palazzo designed by Antonio da Sangallo il Giovane, for Vescovo Bartolomeo II Farrattini, with its original furniture and pictures.

© Foto D'Arte Firenze

Foto D'Arte Firenze have compiled an illustrated catalogue to accompany the event.

Here is a selection of photos from the catalogue

© Foto D'Arte Firenze 

Below the official link for the Palazzo's Website and for the programme of events:

Palazzo Farrattini

Palazzo Farrattini's 500 year anniversary

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Cristian Ceccanti & Ivan Rossi photographers | Foto D'Arte Firenze @ Palazzo Farrattini - Via Farrattini 52 - 05022 Amelia (TR)

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Cristian Ceccanti & Ivan Rossi photographers @ Foto D'Arte Firenze

Monday, 12 May 2014 23:05

The MYTH continues

Bernabei's family in Siena continues to work wrought iron as centuries ago.

© Simone Baroncelli & Foto D'Arte Firenze

In the midst of vineyards and olive groves the family has carried on its tradition since 1700.

© Foto D'Arte Firenze

Father and son have passed down the secrets of their trade for generations forging every day tools and artistic creations.

© Foto D'Arte Firenze

Their workshop witnesses past and present and is well worth visiting.

See below the pictures that Foto D'Arte Firenze has taken for their new internet site (

© Foto D'Arte Firenze

Cristian Ceccanti & Ivan Rossi photographers | Foto D'Arte Firenze @ Bernabei's - Strada Statale 7, Loc. Fonterutoli, Castellina in Chianti (Siena)

Almax is a well-known name to all those in the leather business: for over twenty years its laboratories have produced bags, suitcases and other leather accessories, enriching the shopwindows of the most famous luxury brands in the world.

 © Foto D'Arte Firenze

Founded in 1986 by Mauro Guerrini, the company today employs 85 and has a web of 300 subsuppliers with a turnover placing it among the best companies in the luxury leather industries in Tuscany.

© Foto D'Arte Firenze

The key to its success: respect for Florentine craftmanship and a modern entrepreneurial organization focused on HR (as a primary productive resource) and a constant investment in research and innovation to reach their mission to represent the excellence of "made in Italy" with high quality products and efficient service to meet the refined public taste.

© Foto D'Arte Firenze

To mark the opening of its extended and renovated headquarters in Scandicci, Foto D'Arte Firenze's photographic campaign printed on large pannels was integrated among the furnishings.

© Foto D'Arte Firenze

A stimulating and interesting opportunity for Foto D'Arte Firenze to see the birthplace of luxury and excellence in Italian style.

© Foto D'Arte Firenze

Cristian Ceccanti & Ivan Rossi photographers | Foto D'Arte Firenze @ Pelletteria Almax | Via delle Sette Regole 18/a, Scandicci (Firenze)

Close to Piazza della Repubblica, in the heart of Florence, Palazzo Davanzati is a "must" for anyone who wants to feel the atmosphere of a typical Florentine mansion during the Renaissance.

It has survived the ravages of time when Florence was the capital of Italy and is a rare example of hybrid architecture between two epochs, combining the typical verticality of the medieval house with its tower and the spaciousness of the Renaissance Palace spread around its central court. For centuries, it has been the frame of the public and private lives of rich Florentine merchants and their families: first the Davizzi, who built it around the middle of 14th century, then the Bartolini Salimbeni, who bought it in 1516 and finally the Davanzati, who owned it from 1578 to 1838, the year in which Carlo, the last male heir of the Palace committed suicide. 

Since then, several structural modifications have determined the building we can see today, the most significant that of the eclectic antiquarian Elia Volpi, who bought it at the beginning of 20th century and furnished it in 14th century style to destine it as a private Museum "della Casa Fiorentina Antica". It soon became a Neo-Renaissance inspiration for foreign tourists, especially Americans.

Finally, in 1951 the building became the property of the Italian State and was destined as a Public Museum. Over the years it has gathered collections and precious objects from Florentine Galleries and donations resulting in a typical domestic Renaissance environment.

Visitors can admire the rich decorations, statues, pictures, affreschi with their stories of knights, tapestries and a precious collection of finely carved furniture with objects of every day use. You can relive the atmosphere of Renaissance daily life, its commerce, chivalric love, domestic work and pastimes when Florence was "the hub" of art, culture and wealth.

The Museum was closed to the public for a number of years due to restoration. Foto D'Arte Firenze shot a photographic campaign to document its new splendour, a work of prestige which required great accuracy and competence.

© Foto D'Arte Firenze

To follow: a link for the Polo Museale Fiorentino to take a virtual tour of the Museum.

Polo Museale Fiorentino | Museum of Palazzo Davanzati

Cristian Ceccanti & Ivan Rossi photographers | Foto D'Arte Firenze @ Museum of Palazzo Davanzati | Via Porta Rossa 13, Florence

2004 - 2010 Meetings organized by the Osservatorio sull'Architettura

The Osservatorio sull'Architettura is a series of meetings aimed at investigating and analysing the intricacies of contemporary architecture.

Since light is what places man in relation to space, it is easy to see how the Targetti Foundation came to occupy itself with architecture.

The occasion, a meeting with a group of architects and critics who, with their research and design work advocated a precise idea: that architecture is first and foremost a thought, a complex intellectual process to be built around man.

This is how the Osservatorio sull'Architettura was born, and the inspiration for the meetings organised to investigate and analyse the complex phenomenon associated to the world of contemporary architecture and its interaction with the arts, sciences, techniques, philosophy, sociology, economics and politics.

Florence, Targetti Foundation

Since 2004, the Osservatorio sull'Architettura has invited a variety of different people such as Norman Foster, Yona Friedman, Thom Mayne, Peter Eisenman, Bernard Tschumi, Vito Acconci, Greg Lynn and Alvaro Siza. And, also Dennis Frenchman, Cecil Balmond, Sergio Fajardo, Diller and Scofidio.

Despite the evident differences between these people, they are all united by the fact of being absolute protagonists of their time, but also "cultivators of ideas", intepreters of a discipline that reflects society and its continuous transformations.


Foto D'Arte Firenze @ Osservatorio sull'Architettura

Foto D'Arte Firenze has been asked to document all the meetings since 2004 that have taken place with the most famous architects in the world, guests and speakers at the conferences organised in Florence, often with the splended frame of the Salone dei Cinquecento, the largest and most important as far as regards the historic-artistic profile of the Palazzo Vecchio. 

Cristian Ceccanti photographer | Foto D'Arte Firenze Media Partner 2004-2010 @ OSSERVATORIO SULL'ARCHITETTURA - Targetti Foundation


The transcriptions of the projects of some of the great names that have given life to the Observatory's activities and the accompanying critical contributions are brought together in the book "L'invisibile linea rossa" (The Invisible Red Line) by Quodlibet. 

The publication, edited by the director of the Observatory, Pino Brugellis, brings together the reflections of individuals from backgrounds and languages that are often very different to each other, but nevertheless similar, since they all work with demonstrated humility despite their outstanding careers and many accolades. They have the humility to interrogate themselves on the sense of their work and on doing architecture today.


Founded in 1928 with its headquarters in Florence, Targetti operates in the field of interior and exterior architectural lighting offering products and ad ho solutions, developed in response to specific functional and aesthetic challenges.

Past and present

Targetti was born in 1928 in the heart of Florence as a small shop selling lamps and related products. Today Targetti continues to effortlessy combine functionality and design in its production and marketing off over 2,000 lighting system and products. 

Technically-advances lighting solutions and detailed research meet pure forms and clean lines, synonymous with contemporary design, and suitable for installation within any architectural setting.

Targetti Poulsen Industries is the Holding company which heads a Group credited to third place among the European players of indoor & outdoor architectural lighting. Targetti is the leader of this Group, a unique reality on the international scene, having Louis Poulsen and Neri as the other two strategic brands of reference.


Established and sponsored by Targetti to promote, support and develop the culture of light, art and architecture, the Targetti Foundation is a unique point of meeting, integration, comparison and cultural exchange for lighting professionals and enthusiasts alike.

The Foundation's activities are based on three separate initiatives: training, consisting of a program of courses and workshops organized by the Lighting Academy; architecture and design, involving a cycle of meetings and conferences held at the "Osservatorio sull'Architettura" (Architectural Observatory); and art, involving the Targetti Light Art Collection, the ralative award and theory of on-site exhibitions organised in major museums worldwide.

The Teatro della Pergola is the historic opera house of Florence. It is one of the oldest theatres in Italy and one of the richest historically.

The theatre was built between 1652 and 1656 under the patronage of the Accademia degli Immobili, the first to be built with oval-shaped tiers of boxes around the stalls.

At first it was a court theatre and was only opened to the public after 1718. The most famous composers and operas of the time were performed, ranging from Vivaldi to Meyerbeer.

In the first half of 1800 it presented classical Italian music; dramas by Bellini, Donizetti and Verdi, until the end of the century, when it started to switch to prose, thanks to the performances of the actress Eleonora Duse.

In the Sixties, the stage of La Pergola became one of the most important for Italian prose with perfomers like Eduardo De Filippo and Vittorio Gassman.

Nowadays it presents a wide range of more than 200 drama productions every year.

theatre La Pergola

On June 2013 restoration work was started, with contributions from the Region of Tuscany given to create a theatrical reality for the city, so the Teatro della Pergola would continue to play a prominent role, thanks to its formal and aesthetic features.

The theatre entrusted the production of the whole photographic documentation of this work to Cristian Ceccanti and Ivan Rossi of Foto D'Arte Firenze.

In this video Ivan and I are taking pictures of the valued frescos in the Sala Oro.

Saturday, 19 October 2013 00:00

Foto D'Arte Firenze for the Uffizi Gallery

We have begun a photographic campaign to document all the artworks on the ceilings of the Uffizi Gallery.

This is an important task which underlines the experience and professionality of Foto D'Arte Firenze for Art photography and all its complexities.


Foto D'Arte Firenze had great pleasure following the experts bringing Canova's masterpieces back to life.

For a year and a half we photographed this slow and meticulous workmanship from the beginning to the end.

We would like to share these particular moments with you. Here is a gallery of photos which were taken in Venice in the Storerooms of the Galleria dell'Accademia where the Metope of Canova had been taken to be restored.

Cristian Ceccanti & Ivan Rossi photographers | Foto D'Arte Firenze @ Venice for Antonio Canova


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